
Your Ice Creams Are Safe: Seagulls Prefer Seafood, Study Finds

todayJuly 12, 2024 74

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Anyone who’s ever had their seaside snack stolen by a seagull knows to guard their food. But despite their thieving reputation, seagulls actually prefer seafood over human food, according to a recent study.
Researchers from the University of Exeter have found that even seagull chicks raised on an ‘urban’ diet are more inclined to choose fish when given the option. The study involved herring gull chicks rescued from rooftops in Cornwall towns. These chicks were fed either a marine diet (mainly fish and mussels) or an urban diet (primarily bread and cat food).
During the study, the chicks were given a choice of all four foods every few days. The results showed a strong preference for fish across the board, regardless of their initial diet. Lead author Emma Inzani explained, “Even when reared on an ‘urban’ diet, these chicks are unlikely to seek out urban foods as adults. They clearly prefer fish when it’s available.”
Herring gulls, often seen scavenging in urban areas, are listed on the UK’s List of Highest Conservation Concern due to declining populations. Reduced fish stocks and easy access to urban food waste may drive gulls to cities, but the study suggests they would still choose seafood if it were readily available.
Previous research has shown that parent gulls often switch to finding more seafood once their chicks hatch, providing the necessary nutrients for growth. This study, published in PeerJ, supports the idea that even urban-raised gulls maintain a natural preference for marine food sources.
Senior author Dr. Neeltje Boogert emphasized the need for further research on how the food young animals receive affects their later life, including food choices, health, and breeding. While seagulls can survive on urban food, it doesn’t mean they thrive on it.
So next time you’re at the beach, rest assured that your ice cream is probably safe. Seagulls are likely more interested in the fish swimming nearby.

Written by: Anne Mans

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