Karlien Kruger

12 Results / Page 1 of 2

Once Upon A Time


Experience Magic With Once Upon A Time Boutique

Once Upon a Time Boutique is not just another clothing store.   There is something magical about the shop and the owner.   The fact that she took the shop over from her mom adds to the special story of Once Upon a Time Boutique.   Ruandri Knoetze is the wonderful lady behind the beautiful outfits that you will find in the store.  Her personal motto is to put a crown on another […]

todayFebruary 11, 2025 47 1


Side by Side Early Intervention Centre & The Hit 4 Hope Charity Golf day

I think it must be one of the scariest moments ever, when your baby is diagnosed with a disability.  When you realise that your child won't be having an average normal life.  Everything in your life changes.  And as a parent you want the best for your child, but you don't always have all the answers or know where to find support to help you navigate these challenging waters.  That's […]

todayFebruary 6, 2025 9 3

Down Syndrome Awareness Month


Down Syndrome Awareness Month

With October being Down Syndrome Awareness month, I couldn't think of any one better suited to have a conversation with than Levien Smit.  A mother and teacher who knows the journey so well.  Not only on a personal level but also in her day to day dealings and teachings at Side by Side Early Intervention Centre. Initially I thought I knew exactly what to expect from the interview, that I'll […]

todayOctober 30, 2024 18

Mental Health


World Mental Health Day

Today we commemorate World Mental Health day. You don't have to look far to see the effects of depression and anxiety and how it can affect everyday life. If not for you personally, then probably with a family member or a friend. Many of us have lost someone to suicide. People who just didn't know how to carry on living. Tired of life. I've felt like that many times. Especially […]

todayOctober 10, 2024 34

Namibian Society of Physiotherapy


What Can Physiotherapy Do For You

In September the world celebrated World Physio day, and with back pain being so prevalent in Namibia and the rest of the world, Karlien spoke to Gabriel Mulenga, a registered physiotherapist that has been practicing in Namibia for 8 years, working in both the private sector and public hospitals.   He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Namibian Society of Physiotherapy; this is the sole representative organization for […]

todaySeptember 17, 2024 64 1

Anton Goosen Sirkels


Die lewende legende Anton Goosen bring ‘n nuwe album uit

Die lewende legende Anton Goosen het onlangs 'n nuwe album vrygestel. Ek was baie nuuskierig om sy nuwe musiek te hoor, want daar is so baie van sy liedjies wat my terug neem na verskillende tye in my lewe.  Ek dink aan liedjies soos Blommetjie Gedenk Aan My en Geelperskereën.  Ek sien op Wikipedia dat 'n voorligtings onnie vir hom gesê het dat hy eerder moet vergeet van 'n loopbaan […]

todaySeptember 13, 2024 84

Random Acts of Kindness Wednesday


Random Acts of Kindness Wednesday

When is the last time you did something nice for someone else, without expecting anything in return?  Did you know that there are proven benefits to random acts of kindness?  And not only to the person on the receiving end, but also the giver/do-er.  It increases the love hormone Oxytocin which helps to lower your blood pressure, improve your overall heart health and it also increases your self-esteem.  Kindness even […]

todayJanuary 20, 2023 252

2023...A year of doing


2023…The year of doing (it differently)

When I speak to friends and loved ones about the new year, one thing becomes clear to me.  This is the year of doing.  But it's not necessarily about doing MORE things or doing monumental things.  It's about doing more of the things that make you happy, that brings you peace.  Whatever that means to you. What are you doing differently in 2023 to make your dreams a reachable reality? […]

todayJanuary 9, 2023 184 2

Mmm....what should my resolutions be this year?


Make happiness part of your new years resolutions

    Most of us end off the year with so many good intentions of the things we want to change in the new year.  Loose weight, stop smoking, budget better, etc. But have you ever considered making happiness a priority in the new year? I don't know about you, but in the past, every time I try do these typical resolutions, they last about a week before I just […]

todayDecember 28, 2022 73


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