
A Retrospective Journey to the USA – part 13 (NPR, Starbucks, and Barnes & Noble)

todaySeptember 15, 2024 49

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To read part 12 click here.

We got to visit NPR Orlando affiliate station WMFE 90.7 today and, while we still didn’t get to see any actual studios did have a very fruitful discussion and beneficial question and answer session. In the afternoon we met with the Editor-in-Chief and Managing-Editor of the Orlando Sentinel newspaper and had another very interesting and fruitful discussion with them.


In between that, while everyone else went off to find a McDonald’s or Chick-fill-A, or the like, I had seen that there was a Barnes & Noble with a coffee shop inside so trotted off there. This is easily the biggest bookstore I’ve been in in my life – the place is bigger than the Windhoek public library (and probably also has more of a selection). The visit there saw me having my first ever Starbucks, which was actually quite good – but then I did ask for just a large Americano and not one of their multi-flavoured, creamed up, monstrosities. Oh, and I can also stop worrying that my reading material for the trip seems to be running out too quickly…


To read part 14 click here.


Written by: David Bishop

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