
Random Acts of Kindness Wednesday

todayJanuary 20, 2023 223

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Random Acts of Kindness Wednesday

When is the last time you did something nice for someone else, without expecting anything in return? 

Did you know that there are proven benefits to random acts of kindness?  And not only to the person on the receiving end, but also the giver/do-er.  It increases the love hormone Oxytocin which helps to lower your blood pressure, improve your overall heart health and it also increases your self-esteem.  Kindness even has the power to make you feel calmer.    

Can you imagine how great you’d feel if doing random acts of kindness was a regular thing.  Something you did at least once a week?  Or once a day?  Remember even just smiling at someone or saying hello could be a random act of kindness. Don’t know if you know this, but some types of psychotherapy includes acts of kindness.  With good reason.   

Everyday life gives us so many opportunities to be kind, and perhaps we underestimate the value of random acts of kindness. 

There’s even an International Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17. 

If you need some inspiration or ideas on what you could do as a random act of kindness, here are some ideas that I googled: 

Reach out to loved ones, letting them know you are thinking about them. 

If you’ve got a friend who’s overwhelmed with parenting, give them a break and offer to babysit. 

Give a local business a good review online. 

Send a thank you email to one of your co-workers. 

Give someone a sincere compliment.  

Take some flowers or something sweet to eat to nurses at a hospital. 

Hold the door open for someone.  

Make a goodie bag with treats, canned foods and a blanket for a homeless person. 

Pick up litter on the beach. 

Let someone go in front of you in a line. 

Make dinner for a family in need. 

Help a senior with their groceries. 

Instead of posting negativity online, spread some encouragement. 

Take colouring books to sick kids in the hospital. 

Slow down so someone can merge in front of you in traffic. 

As you’ll see, most of the random acts of kindness won’t cost you a cent. Only a bit of time and energy. 

And it will make you feel great! 

 That’s why we now have Random Acts of Kindness Wednesdays.  To remind us to do something kind for someone at least once a week. Will you join me in this? 





Written by: Karlien Kruger

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