
382 Results / Page 25 of 43



Flashback to growing up in the ’80’s!

Just been scratching around in my 80's movie collection, and I've been re-watching many of them, and have just reminded again on just how great (and influential) a decade it was in terms of music and movies - actually pop culture in general. And no, unless you lived through it, you won't understand. I recently read in an article somewhere that only the '60's compares somewhat to the '80's in […]

todayMarch 14, 2024 16

Camille Van Niekerk


N Amerikaner Sing Sonvanger

In 2017 het Camille Van Niekerk Afrikaans begin leer, nadat sy in California met n Suid Afrikaner getrou het. Kort voor lank het sy verskeie videos op Facebook begin post, waar sy gewilde Afrikaanse liedjes sing; dis haar manier om Afrikaans te leer.  Sedert dan het sy n hele volgeling bymekaar gemaak, en selfs al deur Namibia en Suid Afrika getoer. Luister hier na haar opname van Valiant Swart se […]

todayMarch 13, 2024 47


Nirvana for Armchair Legal Eagles

  The internet, and the concomitant explosion of "content" (and I use that term VERY loosely!) available to everyone for free, has its good and bad. There is a lost of mindless rubbish out there and yes, huge amounts of dangerous content especially for children. But as far as I'm concerned, it is a huge boon for people like me. By "me", do I mean old, grumpy, semi-alcoholic, overeating cynic? […]

todayMarch 13, 2024 15

Mediterranean Avo Dip


Mediterranean Avocado Dip

They say this dip is so good it will make you forget about guacamole. I'm curious to try it, but whether it can make me never want guacamole again, that's a big claim! VIDEO: Forget guacamole. Use avocados for this Mediterranean dip instead | CNN

todayMarch 12, 2024 37

Klein Kwagga Kelly C


Klein Kwagga Op Die Kelly Clarkson Show

Einde verlede jaar het n bitter cute kleine seuntjie uit Suid Afrika VIRAL gegaan vir sy dans passies. Jip! Ek praat van Klein Kwagga. Ek weet nie, dis net een van die videos wat ek regtig oor en oor kan kyk, sonder om uitgekyk te raak!  Klein Kwagga se ouers het hom afgeneem waar hy by sy sussie se dans konsert, op die verhoog saam gedans het, op Bernice West […]

todayMarch 9, 2024 46


The Celeb Savant With Wang Chung

In the tapestry of 1980s music, Wang Chung emerges as a distinctive thread, weaving through the era with their innovative sound and memorable hits. Recently, Barret Edelstein had the privilege of delving into the band's journey with none other than Jack Hues, one of the masterminds behind Wang Chung's success. This conversation shed light on the creative process, pressures, and pivotal moments that have defined their musical voyage. The Genesis […]

todayMarch 7, 2024 41 2

optical illusion


Optical Illusion – What Do You See?

Optical Illusions can be pretty cool. I find it incredible how one person can see one thing, and the next guy sees something completely different! Did you know though, that they are starting to become a pretty popular tool in diagnosing certain physical traits? Makes sense I guess. Whether your answer and trait really are as simple as conclusion A, or B? Not sure about that. But then again, I’m […]

todayMarch 4, 2024 43


Bruce Dickinson’s like fine (Gothic) wine!

OK, first up a warning...Auntie Joey, you might want to turn down your hearing aid... Here we go... The iconic former front man of Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickimson, has just released a new album. And by "just" I mean 1 March 2024. I've always been a huge fan of Iron Maiden and, let's face it, while me saying that Bruce Dickimson is the "sound of Iron Maiden", it might wrongly […]

todayMarch 4, 2024 60

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