
A retrospective journey to the USA – part 6 (Western Market and bean pudding!?)

todaySeptember 6, 2024 32

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To read part 5 click here.

Today I discovered that there is something worse than the person who says: “I don’t have a question per se, more of a comment” – the fact that there are apparently people who ask questions that take longer to get to the point than the presentation they’re asking a question about!!
So, due to that, and the fact that I’m sure no-one reading this is really interested in topics like “The Threat of Disinformation to Society and National Security”, or “Efforts to Support and Promote Press Freedom and Media Programs in the Africa Region”, here’s a post about lunch.😆
We went to a food hall called “Western Market” where there are loads of different options available and seems to be a very popular lunch spot in the city. Walking around I came upon a Guatemalan Street Food stall, and figuring when else will I get to try Guatemalan food I had a look at the menu… Which meant nothing to me.
In some rather broken communication I got the guy to recommend something to me, and to be 100% honest I could not tell you what it was – just that I have never eaten better tasting Vienna’s (sorry Hartlief!). With the Vienna’s was Guac, mayonnaise, mustard, and hot sauce, all on a hot, crisp, but somehow also doughy bun 😋. They had no Tamarind soda so he suggested what turned out to be pineapple soda that tastes a bit like I remember Pinenut tasing like, but different and WAY better.
I walked around a bit and bumped into Mugambe from Kenya (who insists that you pronounce the second m!) who was looking for a desert. Remembering that I had seen something interesting that the Guatemalan stall I suggested we go back and try the Rellenitos. All I can say about these is WOW!! Who would think that beans would be so good in a desert!

To read part 7 click here.

Written by: David Bishop

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