
A Retrospective Journey to the USA – part 16 (St. Petersburg and the Dali Museum)

todaySeptember 19, 2024 43

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To read part 15 click here.


At the end of today’s sessions we had some time to explore so, rather than go off to find a bar or clothing stores, I decided to walk down to the university bookstore and then to the Dali Museum. My wallet and luggage allowance probably wish I had skipped the book shop (especially seeing as the book I was specifically looking for was only available in hard cover) but I do not regret the cost of entrance to the museum for a minute!
Once, when joking about the book called “1000 paintings you need to see before you die”, I said that all you needed to do then was buy the book. I take that back – I could have spent the entire day in the Dali. The detail, the minute brush strokes that make up the overall painting, and the pictures that emerge from a play on the eyes, WOW! Here are just some of the amazing artworks that were on display, including a collection of sketches and ‘workings’ that eventually made up some of his more famous works – but really, while the rest of the city really does nothing for me, if the only reason you visit St. Petersburg, Florida is for the museum – come!


To read part 17 click here.

Written by: David Bishop

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