
A Delectable Hartlief Sausage Charcuterie Board

todayJuly 24, 2024 30 1

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Everyone loves a Charcuterie board, but what does it mean?

Well, it’s French! The word comes from ‘chair’, meaning flesh, and ‘cuit’ meaning cooked – You learn something new, everyday, right?

It’s also a branch of French cuisine devoted to prepared meat products, such as bacon, ham, and sausage.

And locally, nobody does that better than Hartlief !

Did you know that Hartlief produces 12 different mouthwatering types of sausages?

(Bockwurst, Cocktail Vienna, Debreziner, Kasegriller, Russians, Schlotfeger, Smoked Vienna, Wiener Wurstchen, Nurnberger, Bratwurst, Show Bratwurst, Lamb Kasegriller, Lamb Bratwurst.)

I know… it made me run to the shop (Hartlief is stocked nationwide) and grab a few packs to put together a Charcuterie board of my own.

Here’s how I did it.

*Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for tummy rumblings, and desk drooling!

I opted for Kasegriller, Show Bratwurst, Bockwurst, Schlotfeger, and Wiener Wurschen; all favourites in my house.

I sliced them up at an angle, and tossed them in a pan, just to give them a little bit of colour.

Next, brötchens… Traditionally you would slice up a baguette, but we’re not in France, are we? We are Namibians, and we have the best brötchens out there! Each slice smeared with some homemade garlic butter and toasted in the oven to crispy perfection.

Since Hartlief’s sausages are all so incredibly flavourful on their own, I didn’t want to overdo it with too many add-ons, so I paired it with a mild German mustard, and a few green olives. Oh, and of course… a dry red wine.

Was my family happy? Definitely! So much so, they all spoke a little German afterwards…

Written by: Anne Mans

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