In September the world celebrated World Physio day, and with back pain being so prevalent in Namibia and the rest of the world, Karlien spoke to Gabriel Mulenga, a registered physiotherapist that has been practicing in Namibia for 8 years, working in both the private sector and public hospitals. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Namibian Society of Physiotherapy; this is the sole representative organization for the profession of physiotherapy within Namibia. On 8 September every year, we celebrate World Physio Day the theme for 2024 is lower back pain. They discuss why this day is so important, whether lower back pain is a big issue in Namibia and the difference between chronic and acute pain.
They also touch on the subject of what to expect when you go to a physiotherapist and the treatment that you will receive.
Find out what a typical treatment plan would look like and when to know if you need to see a physio. Gabriel shares tips to help us take better