The audacity of youth
I just turned 43. Yup, in the festive season.
Ja, ja, I know, “a lady doesn’t give away her age”. But who says I’m a “lady” per sè?
Anyway, the point is, I can’t believe I’m here….43. When did this happen? How so fast?
I find myself asking questions like, did I give the past 20 years my best? Was I fully present in every experience?
Were you?
This has made me resolve to be very deliberate in my choices in life going forward. I want to be present.
What has also really struck me about growing up (older), is this: I think I’ve lost a bit of my audacity. That sounds like a good thing right? But no, it isn’t. Here’s why.
When I was in my 20’s I recall being super ambitious. Boy, did I go for it. Outspoken, brave, bold – almost really stupidly so. But at the time I didn’t think so. Now I think I burned my fingers many times with my own fiery flame of bravery and audacity to go after things, to try things.
I was scared of nothing really. I just claimed it and went for it.
That all said, I think that the 40’s brings a different kind of bravery too. One of, possibly, a bit more finesse? And a healthy dose of caution….or is it? Are we too cautious as we grow up? Too scared to try new things? Stuck in our ways, as it were….? And does this serve us or hold us back?
Are you too old to learn a new skill? Look for a new partner? Move towns or change jobs?
Do you have enough fire left in you to take chances and volunteer your skills with self-confidence? Faith in yourself?
I wonder.
So 2023 has begun. Are we going to do the same cycle of things we did in 2022? Or are we going to try new things? Chase a dream we put away and forgot about.
Well, bravely and perhaps a little foolishly, I plan to.
Who knows if I’ll burn my fingers. But the nice thing about being older is, you can stand a bit more heat, because you’ve been through some flames and made it to the other side a few times. Right?
So here is wishing you some audacity. Belief in taking chances. Fan that inner flame. Don’t let it die.
Go for it!