Anne Mans

76 Results / Page 9 of 9



Living the life of a digital nomad

The world is changing at a rapid pace, and while not all of it is good there are a few good things that come with these changes, like becoming a digital nomad. A digital nomad is someone who earns a living working online, and in various places. So they aren’t stuck to any one place. Like, a writer, or a video editor, or a graphic designer even.The possibilities are endless! […]

todayFebruary 9, 2023 282

Skelatal Remains


Skeletal Remains On Display In Restaurant

I’ve heard of people finding disturbing things in their takeaways, but,  have you heard about the Mc Donalds in Italy that has not one, or two, but three ancient skeletons on display? It’s a little weird right? The restaurant in Frattochie, Italy, was built in 2014, in an area that, centuries ago, was an ancient Roman city. During construction, builders found skeletal remains, and the developers decided to encase them […]

todayFebruary 3, 2023 87


How often do you replace your hairbrush?

When was the last time you replaced your hairbrush? Apparently, I need to replace mine ASAP. I kind of grew up with the rule of “If it’s broken, fix it. And don’t keep buying a new something, anything, when you already have one.” But, it seems that it’s not such a great rule to live by when it comes to your hairbrush, and you should actually replace it every 6 […]

todayNovember 11, 2022 120



How do we form an emotional connection to different smells?

  We all associate different smells with different emotions, right? Well, we encounter most new smells in our youth. But did you know that we first start to associate smells with emotions before we are even born? Turns out that not only can we hear things while in the womb, but we can experience smells too… and even more interesting, is the fact that smells widely considered unpleasant, such as… […]

todayNovember 2, 2022 103

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