
Are you making the world a better place?

todayMay 10, 2022 99 1

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I look at the newspapers and see the stories of poverty and hunger in my beautiful country, and it breaks my heart.  It’s not supposed to be like this.  Not in a country with such a small population and abundant natural resources.  We can no longer turn a blind eye and just accept things as they are.  When are we going to start taking accountability?  When are we going to start demanding accountability?

I’m angry.  I’m angry and my heart is breaking for my fellow Namibians living in such circumstances.  No person should live like that. No child should have to look for food on a dumpsite.

It’s not just an African problem.  All over the world we see how politicians are using their positions to enrich themselves, to the detriment of the citizens of that country.  Are our leaders fighting for those positions for the wrong reasons?   If you are not using the position that you are in to make the world a better place around you, then my friend, I’m afraid you have failed.  You have failed yourself, your fellow citizens and this thing called life.

But since we can’t wait for our so-called leaders to start fixing things, we need to do what we can, in the areas that we are in, to make this a better place for us all. It doesn’t matter if you hold a high position or feel like a small fish in a big pond, you can make a difference to someone around you. And imagine, if we all just do a little bit, to make life easier for those around us, imagine what effect the actions of so many will have.  Small actions will snowball and have a massive impact.

Written by: Karlien Kruger

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