
A Retrospective Journey to the USA – part 17 (Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, Philly Cheese Steak, and Explorations)

todaySeptember 20, 2024 45

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To read part 16 click here.
We started today with a ‘get to know the Philadelphia crew’ session that allowed for a pretty good view from the Penthouse Section of the hotel and a look at the old fireplaces. After that we visited a local school where we told the kids a little about ourselves and then answered loads of their questions.
For lunch we were taken to the enormous Reading Terminal Market, where I had the obligatory Philly Cheese Steak – It’s a good thing I don’t live here permanently because if I did I’m sure I’d have cardiac issues, wow! it was good.
We were meant to have an afternoon session with one of the local universities but due to a death on the faculty it was cancelled. Rather than go in search of the Mall as so many of the other did (I don’t know how some of them are going to get their, what must by now be 10 suitcases each, home) I decided to go for a long walk to find the Edgar Allan Poe House (sadly it was closed) – which, on looking around me at a certain point and noticing that there was suddenly no-one else on the sidewalks, I realised is in a rather dodgy seeming part of town…
I kept walking and found myself in China Town.
And then the arts district.
Then I walked back to the hotel, taking in all the different buildings along the way.
Friday will hopefully be the Liberty Bell and Rocky!


To read part 18 click here.

Written by: David Bishop

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